Adelante is an invitation to immerse ourselves in the stories of eight refugee Venezuelan women. The documentary is an intimate description of the consequences of a political situation affecting an entire country.

By bus, hitch-hiking, on foot, these women have travelled 214 kilometers with the dream of leaving hunger, lack of medicines, homophobia, sexism and political confrontations behind.

Yuleima, Maritza, Juling, Ruth, Daynelis, Jennifer, Nairobis and Yalsy narrate, in their own words, what it is like to be an e’chapalante woman. They continue to look for a better life, beginning their stories from scratch.

The documentary portrays the struggle of more than two million women who have left Venezuela in the last years. Nowadays, forced migration affects more than 1% of humanity. It is important to remember they lived normally, with their families, their jobs, their plans for the future and their love life. Because of external and internal factors in Venezuela, they had to leave their country.

This documentary is a co-production with Project Celina, from newspaper O Globo and with support from NGO PARES Cáritas.


2020 | Director: Luiza Trindade
Documentary | 30 min | Brazil


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